Aims and Objectives

As a national organization, AHPE aims to improve the quality and relevance of health professions education at all levels – undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development in line with WFME / SEARAME

1. To promote and encourage development and advancement of health professions education
2. To encourage and promote educational research activities pertaining to health professions education
3. To arrange regular scientific meetings, symposia and seminars
4. To conduct regional meetings and form state branches to promote health professions education
5. To work together for mutual benefit with organizations promoting health professions education both in India and internationally
6. To promote publication of articles relating to health professions education in various national and international journals
7. To publish, periodicals, journals and other material pertaining to health professions education
8. To promote training of teachers, health professions students (both undergraduate and post graduate), research fellows and allied health professionals in various aspects of health professions education
9. To bring together under one corporate body all qualified health professions personnel and scientists practicing or interested in health professions education
10. Any other programme approved by the Academy for advancement of health professions education