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- The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) unit of the
Academy of Health Professions Educators (AHPE) will offer the free webinar
lecture series for health professions educators.
- The webinars shall be coordinated by the CPD Coordinator/Team,
nominated by the Executive Committee (EC), AHPE
- These lectures will cover a broad range of contents related
to health professions education (but not limited to) including curriculum
design, teaching-learning, assessment and academic leadership.
- AHPE Webinars shall be hosted from 8 to 9 pm on the third
Saturday of every month
- The webinar shall be of 60-90 minutes duration including the
time for discussion/clarifications if any
- The Executive Committee (EC) of AHPE on receiving the expression of interest from the concerned faculty, shall formally invite the speaker for presenting a short summary and brief outline of the webinar (using the template provided) to the Coordinator of CPD, AHPE within 2 weeks of expression of interest. If it is an invited speaker, the same shall be submitted to EC by the 3rd week.
- The following template may be filled and submitted by an interested speaker
- The coordinator of CPD, shall submit the duly completed
template to the EC for ratification. EC shall also suggest modifications if any
- On approval from the EC, the Coordinator of CPD, shall
circulate the invitation on all forums (Google groups, websites etc.)
- The speakers will not receive any remuneration for the webinars conducted. An e-certificate on behalf of AHPE can be made available if necessary.